Between producing, writing, directing shows and heading a not for profit organization Malco stills finds time to perform as a dancer. Pablo has performed and choreographed in several music videos, commercials artists tours and theatrical productions in several countries. Once and in a while you can catch this multi-disciplined dancer performing in his one man shows ‘My Life uN edIt tid’ and Hip Hop His-story. These one man productions sometimes includes special guest musicians and dancers to help relay his story but the bulk of the performance is performed by Pablo. On occasions you can catch him with his dance company Pfuzion Dance Theatre or as a soloist in many other productions . Malco is a diverse dancers with over 30 years of hip hop and reggae dance, 16 years of Ballet and 20 years of tap dance experience. Today he spends his time trying to enrich the lives of youths from under served communities as well as local aspiring professional artists. If the opportunity arises we suggest getting a glimpse of Malco on stage his performance skill and his dance ability is a powerful combination that has moved crowds and packed houses in several countries.